Chris Carr was a guest on Dave Despain's Wind Tunnel. Great interview with Chris and Dave being a long time Flat Track insider knew what questions to ask and what footage to show. At the end of the segment Chris revealed that his plans for the 2012 Season are in jeopardy. Apparently due to the depressed economy of the motorcycle business in general, finding sponsorship is almost impossible,even for the dynamic duo of Carr and Tolbert. Having this season as Chris's last as a rider is melancholy in itself, saved only by the fact that he and Kenny would be back next year as a new team with an up and coming rider. Now the news that it may not happen, is downright depressing. Heres hoping some M/C company hears this and comes to the rescue. Who would not want to be associated with and have the best in the business represent them? Good Luck Chris and Kenny ,really hope it works out for you guys and us legends of fans. Not having you compete will dilute the whole show tremendously.

Chris riding at 100% just like every other lap he ever raced. The Racers Racer,the senior member of the paddock,the guy everyone looks to for guidance in good times and bad. Chris is a multi time Champion because of his work ethic. Chris always rides his pit bike out to the corners and studies them during the heats and before the Main. If possible he walks out studying the dirt and figuring out where to run. It's all the little extra efforts that add up to a NO.1 Plate. Chris is on the gas this year ,as determined to win as he was his Rookie year. Sacramento is wide open and maybe Chris can pull it off. I hope so.

Kenny Tolbert and Chris Carr go together like Lennon and McCartney, they make magic and Kenny provides the sweet music from the most dialed in XRs ever to roll onto the track. Kenny is a down home Gentleman of the first order.