Monday, October 5, 2009

Gene Romero

This is one of my favorite Flat Track photos. Gene Romero shows the grit and determination of a future champion as he stuffs his Triumph under the suprised BSA mounted Ralph White and "The Flying Flea" Sammy Tanner. Ascot's sticky clay lets him really lay it in to turn one, underneath the two Ascot experts. He's got the throttle shut and the cases dragging as he looks at an empty track ahead, planning how to keep these two at bay.
Young Gene looks neat and tidy aboard his Harley Sprint.
Burritos done it all, and his Road Racing talents matched his dirt track prowess.
The Good Guys always wear white.
Last night I watched Romero being interviewed on Speed TV. He was his charming self and told some great tales about the old days and promoted the upcoming Pomona Race. This guy lives, eats and breathes Flat Tracking and I know we all thank him for his life long commitment to the sport.
Good on Ya, Burrito !