Sunday, March 23, 2025
Sal Paluso inducted into Trailblazers Hall of Fame
In 1975 Husky where at the top of their game and business was booming. They wanted to promote their brand and they thought, we have won everything there is to win in MX so lets get into Road Racing. They went to Don Vesco, the King of Road Racing at the time and asked him to build a bike for Daytona. If they should win there it would make a big splash. Don got his team together and had Rob North pen and then fabricate the latest in road racing tech and black magic. Sal Peluso handled building the bike and riding it. The bike was a masterpiece of elegant design and workmanship. Sal slotted in the Factory provided 360 motor and off to the races they went. Look at Sals leathers and you will see they are actually Cal Rayborn's. The bike handled great had impressive power. Sal could tell it was running lean and richened as much as possible. Not enough as it seized late in the race. Hence the scuffs on the leathers. They slotted in a secong motor with the same results, Sal ended up on his bum. Husky were baffled and couldn't believe the seizures. They came back to Sal and said by mistake they sent them two High Compression MX motors while the special Lower Compression, RR motors still sat on a shelf at Husky Headquarters. Thats racin' as they say. Sal has been a lifelong Racer and Tuner in the San Diego area and is still very much involved and enjoying every moment. Congratulations Sal on you joining the estemed Trailblazers Hall of Famers.