Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Elizabeth Moron

Trump challenged Pocahontas to prove she was infact indiginious. He said I will give you a million Dollars if you take a DNA test and it proves you are infact Native American Indian ( Which see used to fuel her whole lifes work, which turned out to be one huge Lie because she is as White as Wonder Bread and ZERO, countem', parts Mohican ! ) which she actually took, and we all know the embarrassing results for Pocahontas. The amazing thing is, this did not phase her as she refused to bow out after being exposed as a life long liar and professional charleton. She carries on uneffected, as if the world doesn't see her as a perfect example of Democrat Delusion. In their back and forth about the DNA test , a frustrated and entitled, Fake Indian, Warren quipped " Donald Trump, I dont know how you sleep at night ? !!" Trumps immediate response " Naked with a Supermodel "