Friday, October 11, 2024

Not Funny and No Joke

We are up against an evil enterprise who stop at nothing to get their way. They are desparate in these final days of their administration and are likely to attempt to sway public opinion their way with another henous act of cruelty. The great majority of Americans have the opinion the weaponized, rouge FBI grooms and primes and assists school shooters ( and Presidential assassins. ). The only way to beat them is at the ballot box. Although this is looking doubtful due to their blatant attemp to rigg the vote again using Out of Country,Foreign Votes which will be tallied after voting day. All they do is know the number they need to beat us and use these illegitimate , No I.D. , No address and no signature to verify. Totally bogus vote rigging as usual, with absolutely zero way of varifing the Ballot. Trump will win Nov 5th in a Tsunami of RED votes and then the cheating Dems will come up with just the number they need of these bullshit Out of Country ballots. We wont accept this cheating and they will insist they are correct. NOW WHAT ?