Tuesday, August 27, 2024

It is funny because we all know exactly who they are. Funny but sad, that they get away with it.

This raises some curious questions. How seriously could we ever take Barack, when he is deeply Muslim yet gayer than a three dollar bill. And Michele, is she deeply Muslim ?, proudly swinging that sausage as a cutting edge transvestite. They are both vehement blasphemers in the eye of The Profit and all devote Muslims. Yet they spit in the face of both the Christians and the Muslims and maintain such popularity and smuggness on the world stage yet they are two of the biggest phoneys known to mankind. The Clintons are another enigma completely. Both obviously guilty of blatantly eliminating their enemies, in full view of the law. Never, have so many suicidal patriots shot themselves in the back of the head repeadedly.To say nothing of those who shot themselves in the chest with their own shotgun and then conveniently hung themselves, high in a tree. Never have Govt Bldgs been blown apart, that just happen to contain the entire investigations into their obviously guilty crimes. Never has any prior President Couples paid seven Million dollars for total umbelievable fabricated fiction about Russian Hookers and a Golden Shower fetish that was designed to take down another President. To say nothing of Bent Dick Bill's sexual picaderos in the Whitehouse and on his buddies, Minor Attracted Blackmail Pleasure Palace on a private island in the Tropics. Not mentioned is their devious fleecing of the world's generocity when it came to helping the Haitians in their time of need. The President of Haiti put the Clintons on their most wanted list as they never saw a dime of the Billion$ raised for that effort. Never mentioned is Miss Piggys involvement in Human Trafficing little girls out of Haiti during that same disaster or in fact, her perpencity for minor attracted activity highlighted in Huma Aberdin's Computer File that her husband, discraced politician and convicted sex offender, Anthony Weiner kept as his "insurance policy" which focused his wife's affair with the Hillderbeast and their involvement in unspeakable child predation acts. With all these glaring criminal activities and eyepopping revelations.........Crickets. No legal action, no media scorning, nothing, zilch. America has a deep and profound problem with the Deep State, Rouge Democrat Government with all weaponized Three Letter Agencies and a very dark and long term use of blackmail against Politicians, Corporate Powerhouses, being Banking, CDC FDA Pharma, Ratheon,TRW and all Defense Corps and Social Media Giants. All of which was exposed fully in the Epstein Files debacle, which is under lock and key by these same illegal and highly devious current Govt. Powers. We are at a crossroads in history. Things are happening. The most visible true Democrat presently, RFK JR has admitted publically that the Democrats are no longer what they say they are and he resigned from the party in disgust and backs and joins and supports wholeheartedly, the Republics only true saviour, Donald J. Trump. Mark Zuckerberg just blew the whistle on the Biden Harris contempt for Free Speech by exposing their agreement to censure the American Public on a wide variety of subjects. Apparently he is done with the Dems and wont contribute to their fund or join in their vote rigging schemes. Surely his knowledge of the con is vast and will be ultimately reveling. This exposure of his grievences with them is an endorsement of Trump by the META man ! Voter I.D. is the big hurdle to overcome. The Dems must be shamed into it, because not abiding by a common sense approach to reliable and fully auditable voting SCREAMS one thing, WE ARE GOING TO CHEAT !