Wednesday, June 26, 2024

51 Scum Bag Fuk Wads who SWORE the Lap Top was a Russian ploy.

Election Interference at its utmost. Crooked Govt, through and through , to destroy your only political rival. AND NOW, the Dems latest PROJECTION, they are screaming, if TRUMP WINS he will weaponize the GOVT. !!!!! Fuck these idiots.
Assange told the World the truth about the Globalist Deep State Elitist Tyrants and after being exposed, they lost their grip on our balls and will be vanquished once and for all with TRUMP's Victory Nov 5th, 2024. A patriotic small business man, by pure accident, came across the most damning conspriracy in American history. He did the right thing and told the FBI what he found and turned it into them, not realizing they were in cohoots with the very people the Lap Top exposed. The FBI hid the damning evidence before a Presidential Election, drastically interfering with the outcome of said election. 51 Top Security Officials of the United States of America wrote a joint letter saying the Lap Top was fake Russian Psyop. We now know that was all utter bull shit, the Lap Top was real and still the FBI has done nothing with the Biden Crime Cartel. This is EVIL exasterbated. Vote Trump and all this will be investigated and let the chips fall where they may.