Thursday, March 3, 2022

This Fuck-Up is outta his cotton pickin' mind.

 First he thinks giving China intel on the latest Russian Invasion intel is going to gain him favor in some way with CCP Ping Pong. That's insanity, no one in control of their mental faculties would ever do such an idiotic thing. We all know what happened , Ping went to Putin and told him what just happened and they LTAO. How could an American President be sooo stupid. Leave it up to Brain Dead Biden.

Even worse maybe, is he is giving OLD intel to the Ukrainians about Russia's military info. Basically giving Ukraine what Russia was doing two days ago. WTF !

Then he refuses to open up America's Energy Independence and getting our World Record Breaking Oil Industry back on its feet and on the gas, providing $2.45 per Gallon Gas for us at home and exporting Oil as the worlds largest oil exporter in history, just as Trump did in very short order. And putting both Russia and Iran back in the poor house. Europe (and America ) needs to cut off oil from both of the asshole countries if they want to stop Eastern Aggression. They need to sacrifice and be cold and drive a lot less. Otherwise they are fueling Russia's war machine. This is not 1938, it just happens to be an exact replica of Hitler Blitzkrieging  Poland.

Biden thinks that while Russia lays waste to Ukraine,it is perfectly reasonable to KEEP BUYING their oil and IRAN'S too. 

This idiot wants to sink American and he could give two knobs of goat shit about the American People.

These diabolical actions on the part of Biden's Crooked Administration is beyond belief, making me believe he has got to be in silky sheets bed with these, the two biggest threats to our Republic. 

This is why the Dems built a fence around the White House just prior to the SOTU address. They were positive on hearing what I just layed out, the American people would be enraged and extricate the Traitor from said premises.They were wrong again. Biden's final words at the SOTU address were inexplicably......"Go get him". Turns out that is what every common sensed citizen was thinking about doing to Biden himself after that absolute crock of shit he tried to lay on us all.