Friday, January 7, 2022

Australia has gone full 1938 Nazi Totalitarian Govt.

This demented, power obsessed, Chief Minister, has locked down all Un Vaxxed to the inside of their homes. They are not allowed the usual for Australia, one hour outside exercise period. He has deemed this too risky for the Vaxxed ! ?  Only one family member is allowed to leave the house for food and essentials and must get a pass before doing so. Might as well paint a little mustache under this little fuckers nose.  

In another State they are rounding up the Un Vaxxed and incarcerating them in Gulags. This is a test of the World Wide Deep State Re-Set. Their goals are easily accomplished because Australian;s turned in their guns, under threat of serious Felonies and jail time. Pray for your Aussie Mates. They really need it.