Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Petersen Auto Museum, Los Angeles has gone full blown Fascist.

The Petersen Auto Museum, one of America's finest four wheel ( and Two Wheel) worshiping cathedrals, has buckled to the L.A. City Covid Mandates and will force their employees to become Nazi Guards and demand "PAPERS !" from their visitors, to gain entry. You would think a museum would have a solid understanding of recent history regarding breaking down society into two distinct classes. Talk about Un-American. Their founder, the late, great Bob Petersen must be spinning cartwheels in his grave.The Petersen should have announced an immediate temporary shuttering, to avoid the stain and stank of cow towing to the local fascists. Call the Museum and tell them to close by Nov 4th, until civility and good common sense and patriotism has prevailed again in Los Angeles. 322-930-2277