Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Democrats are blatantly trying to divide us by race. To segregate us. To make us hate one another. To create a Race War.

So they can swoop in and lock us down to quell the Chaos with a Police State beat down. Critical Race Theory is their method and they have permeated all levels of education to brainwash our children from birth, to Hate America. It is where Government and Corporations together, conspire to take over by force. In has been in our schools and universities for decades and now they are springing their final trap by indoctrinating all students, employees and all Armed Services. Trump recognized it and banned it when they start openly brainwashing by Govt insisting that Business have CRT indoctrination. Coke is a perfect example. All White employees were told to be less White, Black workers, your life is crap because of the White oppressors. Prior to Obama, America had dealt with racism and we were colorless. We got along fine and things were really even keeled and we were happy. No one can deny it.

Now the fanatic Biden Mob with their Big Tech, Corporate Cronies, are trying to close the loop. To create chaos and  take over by force.

Thankfully, the 2020 Election Audits will put an end to this obvious, nefarious  Evil.