Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Portland Truck Driver pulled out at BLM Peaceful Protest and beaten within an inch of his life.

 Displaying the typical Peacefulness of the BLM protest, truck driver Adam Haner, already beaten and bloodied, sat semi conscious on the ground while this absolute animal, Marquis Love, got a run up and tried to field-goal Mr. Haner's head. You might have seen the incredible video if you watch anything other than the biased, bought off, main stream media. There is a massive man hunt for the Marquis of Love. Love faces 25-Life for attempted Murder and the Lib Democrat D.A. in Portland who lets Rioters and looters out of prison the very next day, says this case is so obviously heinous, he will throw the book at this vermin. Yet the Leaders of  The Left, Biden, Harris, Sanders and the Clintons and Obamas et all, refuse to condemn BLM for all this anarchy. Who could vote for such Anti- Americanism ! ?
Love and Love standing over and berating an unconscious Adam Haner. Thats a pool of his blood he is laying in. This could be you.