Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mr. Indian, Ed Kretz Sr.

Ed Kretz, the larger than life Indian Racer Hero who put Indian on the map when they battled H.D. for sales and street cred. A movie is being made about the life adventure of Mike Hailwood. I really look forward to enjoying it in the hopefully near future. A movie should be made about this giant among American motorcyclists. One fascinating part of his story is how he planned to make riding an Indian a respectable past time. The schism between Harley riders and Indian riders was huge and it was almost embarrassing to ride an Indian. Ed Kretz went town to town all over these great United States and challenged the hottest Harley in town and beat them all. He transformed the way Bikers thought of Indians. What a story, lets call it "Blood, Sweat and Gears" and it all about Ed Kretz and his zeal to put Indian squarely and firmly on the map.