Friday, August 7, 2020

Flat Track Flashback Friday. DEWAYNE JONES

 One of my Heroes, not Parnelli Jones and not Indiana Jones but Dewayne Jones, Factory Moto Cross star of the early years of  MX in America. The Jones family were house hold names as they were the guys the factories went to when they needed great engineers and fantastic riders. The Dad rubbed on the bikes and the boys Gary and Dewayne rode them to victory. They represented a good many big Motorcycle Mfgs. and their reputation was stella. Many years later I was stoked to see Dewayne race regularly at the So Cal Flat Track Assoc Perris Short Track races. He was 60 plus at the time but always had it pinned and was as competitive as ever. He rode two Hondas, a CR500 monster that dug trenches down the straights and a fast CR250. One night we pitted at the north end of the track,outside turn three, right next to Dewayne. I noticed him sitting in the open side door of his van, head down, slumped over a little, so I went over and said Hi , hows it going? He smiled and said "Great, all things considered" , he was gathering up some energy for the Main. He pulled up his t-shirt and said "Hauling this around wears me out" revealing a C-Bag duct taped to his side. In the Main he charged as hard as ever, refusing to let that shit slow him down. What a guy, with an incredible life story, gassing it up and enjoying his racing, right to the very end. DeWayne passed at 65 years of age in 2016.