Monday, August 17, 2020

Adios Bruce Flanders and thanks for all the great times.

I moved to Los Angeles in 1980 and I did so because I wanted to be near all the incredible motorsports that flourished in So Cal. It didn't take long and I was a fan of Bruce Flander's laid back and fun announcing at a great variety of events. Most notably was the Long Beach Grand Prix which was Formula 1. The LBGP was half race, half giant party and I am sure many would agree with me that it had a whole lot to do with Bruce's wonderful banter and acute awareness of who he was playing to.  Bruce was funny, not just some of the time but all the time. He new his subject well and was informative and insightful. His delivery was never frantic but measured and powerful. He was a cut-up for sure. I will always remember a quiet lull in the action at the LBGP. No cars on track and no announcing had gone on for some time. The crowd appreciated the silence at this noisy speed bowl. Then here came Bruce, "Ladies and gentleman an important announcement. Marylin Chambers...... Marilyn Chambers to the Announcing Tower please." There was a pause and then guys could be heard laughing through the whole place. Bruce was magic, he talked, you wanted to listen. I can hear Bruce in my head right now, what a distinctive and pleasant tone he had. I never met Bruce personally but I knew him well and I wish him all of Gods Speed.