Monday, April 27, 2020

Freedom Rally, Pacific Beach, San Diego.

 300 Patriots gathered to voice their concerns about the current rouge Democrat Govt. that rules the Golden State. Alarmed and Locked Down by a Political Weapon , all under the name of Safety over Liberty by a tyrannical  Governor who sews chaos and fear for political gain. The populous are fed up and wont take it much more. Dissent is growing in the street and it is getting close to reaching boiling point. One feeling solidified the throng of San Diegans, Lets get back to work now and lets open up California immediately.
 All ages were represented and they were angry at the political machine of Gavin Newsom who holds us in lock down with his boot to our throats for one strictly political reason, Trump Derangement Syndrome.  A very common sign was, Newsom,'re FIRED !
 Old Glory, The Republican Party's official flag, flew high and proud everywhere on Sunday.
And "Q" too ! Where we go one, we go all ! Don't know about "Q",  watch " truth and art " on You Tube for the whole amazing story.
 Just a few of the many Sickle Cops who created a menacing presence pushing people around with a " no matter what you say, we don't work for you and this is a Newsom Police State"
They had a few Donut Kings to form a line of scrimmage if things got rowdy. 
It did not, but good reliable, common sense folks are not going to be held down and financially and 
socially starved by rouge, radical Socialist Democrats.  The Pacific Beach Freedom Rally was one of many held all over the State on Sunday.
Open California NOW !