Sunday, November 24, 2019

Kenny kisses the Queen

 There used to be a time when the Winners Circle was cool. You won, you kissed the Trophy Queen in any manner you like. She was fully aware this was going to happen and she was willing. If you didn't like kissing dirty, smelly race winners, don't become a Trophy Queen.  And if you won and didn't kiss her, you sure didn't deserve to win the thing. This looks like Ascot and Aggie was a real promoter and got very kissable girls. This one is dressed very conservatively. In the 80s Aggies girls wore next to nothing, covered only by the skimpiest of swim suits. Now days the PC, snowflake thinking  has all but ended any real fun in the Winners Circle. You might have Race Queens but they hand you the Trophy and stand there meek and mild. Gene Romero was the only promoter recently that understood the value of this and he made sure he had hot chicks who new the deal and there were racer winners like Stevie Bonsey who new what to do. Unfortunately Gene is gone and so are his fun races.
 Kenny won so many races that he was an expert at this sort of thing, a regular Queen Kissing Lothario.
Kenny, out front by a mile and already thinking about laying a lip lock on that trophy girl.