Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Awesome Joe !

The Democrats are in full flight panic. Dip Shit Joe and his even dumber son, Hunter , threw the whole party under the bus with their blatant pay to play scheme, a Quid Pro Quo. Joe was V.P. at the time and was convinced Hillbag would win and this treasonous crime would never come to light. 
Now this debacle is the entre into the whole sorid crime spree perpetrated by The Obama Crime Syndicate and it will bring them all down. Hunter is one dumb cluck and good ol' Dad Joe concocted a ludicrous scheme and used him as fodder so the whole Biden Clan would reap billions in their personal fund from Ukraine and China.
One problem, everyone knows Hunter Biden is a complete idiot and a lifelong loser. So when all this came to the attention of the good citizens of the U.S.A., they all asked in unison, why these foreign powers would pay him Billions ?  What expertise of his do they consider so valuable. They must have wanted to learn how to smoke Crack, because that is the only thing he has any expertise in and that is hardly worth a dime, let alone billions. Ukraine and China both saw Joe Biden as an easy touch who would sell our secrets, gladly, to the highest bidder. Both of these traitors who are only so happy to sell America out for personal gain, will eventually hang together in the Washington Mall. The sooner the better.