Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Adios Victorina

 Traveled to San Fernando in the Los Angeles Basin for Cousin Victorina's funeral. They came home from a vacation and two days later, sitting in her favorite chair, her husband went to serve her a margarita and she was gone. Great way to go. Make the most of every day.
 These guys were phenomenal. Played and sang through the ceremony in the most heartfelt and harmonious way possible, leaving not a dry eye in the church.
 Wake held at the Moose Lodge. Moose are rare in So Cal, especially this old dusty variety.
Victorina rests in a nice shaded glen with Ritchie as a neighbor. Chuck Conners, "The Rifleman" and
also Lenny Bruce are residing close by but I didn't see them. The "Marvelous Miss Maisel" on Amazon Prime is well worth watching and includes Lenny in the really entertaining story.