The French have finally had enough of being pushed around by their liberal left, soy boy Globalist, Elitist, no borders, muslim sympathizing President, the mental midget, Macron. When Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, both Macron and the fat german Merkel, shat, because they realized they would not be getting Trillions of $$$$ from the USA. The idiot Macron said, no worries, I will just tax the shit out of my middle-class, they are powerless to do anything about it! Once again, the fool was completely wrong and you are all well aware of the results.
Dumbo Macron recently stated " Patriotism is the opposite of Nationalism, Nationalism is treason !
Obviously he couldn't give two shits for the people of France who are stressed economically and socially by the invading hoard their government welcomed without the slightest concern for their Frenchmen ! He just wants to reap his carbon tax, boondoggle profits, no matter who has to be squeezed for it. His NWO, Globalist, EU mentality, might just get him strung up by the greater population of France who see their Liberty and Freedom being evaporated by the leader of the entitled rich. France is for the working class Frenchman who make the whole country run. Macron wants to kick them in the balls and say "get in line and pay up !"
The agenda of the EU. Never take it, never accept it. It is a modern form of slavery.
Good ol' Poppy Bush was the first to push this NWO doctrine. Globalist Traitor.
So glad Trump made mincemeat of Low energy Jeb. I am sure the nasty skeletons of the Bush cabal are about to be exposed.
Bernie just spent $300,000 on private jet travel in one month. Nice, when your pushing Socialism and the green, carbon tax philosophy of the NWO. Bernie got bought off by HRClinton to just go quietly away from being swindled out of the Democratic Nomination by a thoroughly rigged election orchestrated by her Royal Hi-Anus, HRC. "The Burner " what a gutless, wanker, hypocrite. He very well might have beat Trump . Hard to believe, knowing what we know now. He could be bought and very, very easily. God bless Donald J. Trump
My sympathy goes out to the citizens of Great Britain. They won the BREXIT vote to exit and divorce themselves from the EU, only to have the Globalist, Elite kick up such a losers fit that it is putting the whole vote in question. This is a perfect example of democracy being railroaded by the evil left. Brits, follow your Free French brothers example. Show you have bollocks a plenty and protect what you won fair and square. This is happening not only in the USA ( where our battle victory will come to a crescendo almost immediately) and France but in Britain too. This is a battle for our way of life. Cherish it and protect it NOW !