Thursday, November 29, 2018

Why we love our President

President Donald J Trump is not effing around anymore.
Yesterday he tweeted this photo of the Left's criminal cabal behind bars for Treason.
Everyone can most assuredly come up with a few extra criminals who he didn't fit in here.
Geo W. and Geo H. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and the rest of the 9.11 conspirators.
I like that he included his own Deputy Attorney General, Rosenstein. Whoa!
It amazes me that a great deal of Americans are totally unaware of the staggering amount of heinous crimes perpetrated by this band of thugs in their attempt to dethrone a sitting president. They have been exposed and they will pay the ultimate price. Hillary famously emailed her daughter " If that SOB becomes President, we all hang" Look it up.
If I knew when it would be, I'd be buying my airline flights to D.C. for the mass hanging on the Washington Mall. It will be a glorious day.
Long live the Republic.