Saturday, June 11, 2016

CALVMX Flat Track Campo, Calif today

 A beautiful day 50 miles east of San Diego, Calif. A nice breeze blew all day keeping it at around 70F, perfect Flat Tracking conditions. CALVMX-Flat Track built this racy little Short Track that provided great close racing. A lot of effort went into the track which is a real pleasure to have in our backyard insuring a new series . Thank you Frank and CALVMXFT !

 These colorful guys comprised Kukla Racing today. The three Kuks to the left of Too Fast Tom Ferguson in Blue, who rode their Star Racer Yammy 500 with his usual speed and flair.
With a nice breeze blowing the track got watered regularly. Lets say its a cushion track , a little soft in places but being very new it will come around nicely with the addition of some DG. Anyone got any to spare in the general area ?