John Kocinski rode a '75 Can Am 360 belonging to Dante D'Ambruoso at the recent WCFT Las Vegas Double Header. Kocinski used the explosive 2-stroke power band to propel himself to the front every time he was on the track in the Classic Open Class but a mysterious ignition problem caused a miss when the bike got hot. He fought through this malady and ended up with a nice third place in Friday Nights Main. The Can Am's problem persisted on Saturday Night so John ended up racing the Main on David Zanotti's Honda 450,which was really Steve Bonsey's spare.He was hauling on this modern piece of equipment and charging to the front,only to be thwarted by restarts due to others crashes. WCFT need to re-evaluate the Red Flag Restart Rules and let riders keep their positions rather than revert to the lap prior. On big tracks it works but on little ovals like this one ,it is unfair to those who work so hard and it would make the racing much better.