It's Showtime at Pomona! This is for all the marbles and the National Number 1 Plate. Sam Halbert, Bonsey, Three Time National Champeen Kenny Coolbeth, Bryan Smith, Joe Kopp and Henry Wiles bring their best game to the front line. Twelve of the fastest riders in the USA line up behind them in two rows of 6.

The Starters are ready, all transponders on,sighting lap all riders single file begins.

Coming in from their sighting lap, they stop a fair distance from the line and have a warm up start, then choose their starting position and pull up to the line. Joe Kopp pulls up in a trench, Wiles gets some undisturbed territory.

Lights are Red.....

GO ! Bonsey looks to be first off the line and what followed was an epic dogfight between the whole front row which ended up with both Halbert and Bonsey eating some serious dirt. Halbert made the restart in last place, seriously battered and bruised but doggedly determined. 42 Bryan Smith gapped the field and was pulling away when his Screamin' Eagle Harley winced in agony and Smith pounded the gas tank and pulled to the side coming into 1. Wiles kept his head down with Coolbeth hunting him . Behind, a truly Herculean effort by the last place and injured Sammy Halbert had the crowd on it's feet. Scything his way through the pack to an incredible 3rd. Mees won the championship with his 5th ( He didn't win a race all year but won on points). If the last race of the year is any indication, the 2010 Flat Track Season will be a barn burner.