Century throws their Annual Christmas Party. 1640 So. Pacific Ave, San Pedro. Located down in the Los Angeles Harbor, a great ride is to follow Pacific St, along the ocean through Point Fermin north ,to 25th left,through the P.V. slide area ,turn right up Palos Verdes Drive East. Blast up to the top of the mountain, these are the best corners in the whole South Bay.Coming down is almost as good as going up. Repeat until totally satisfied. I dig the Von Dutch Flyer. Founder,Wild Bill Cottem, on his Vincent was a really cool old dude. He is long gone now but pay your respects to him, his remains are entombed in a custom painted Wassel tank hanging on the wall. He once told me about his youth when he was a prize fighter in New York in the 20's. He said there were 122 Fight Clubs in the general area and boxing was the major form of entertainment . Fighting for money took a toll on you and looking at Bill in his later years showed he had fought more than a round or two. Bill told me he was befriended by the No.1 boxer on the circuit "Tuffy" McClintock who was also racing Sickles and arranged an Indian racer and Togs for Bill which started his racing career. Wild Bill had a shop full of Vincents and legend goes he won them all racing for Pink Slips. The Party will be in high gear at mid day. Fun, food and drinks. Bills daughter Cindy and her son throw a great bash.